Growing cloud and data migration markets

05 Mar 2019

05 Mar 2019

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Growing cloud and data migration markets

Some large data migration procedures incur high network costs and take a long transfer time. Even the fastest networks may take months to move such petabytes from on-premises centres to the public cloud.  

For easy transportation, the cloud creates physical storage devices, which can be transported or shipped to the cloud storage company. Amazon was one of the first to offer a shippable storage device for migrating data sets in petabytes into the cloud.

Recently, Google announced hiring Alooma, which allows an enterprise to automate cloud migration and data cleansing services. The startup helps to ease cloud migration for customers and promotes the sale of Google Analytics, AI, machine learning etc.

The Scope Of Transferring Information

A number of companies require transferring a large quantity of information in terms of video libraries, analytics, and images, which can be stored in the cloud. The enterprises adopt various schemes to shift it, like collecting from research partners or vendors.

  • It may be required to be shifted from one technology to another. It is different from amalgamation, duplication, and ETL.

  • The system may involve migration as a part of the wide application, such as from SAP to Oracle, where the SAP environment or version may migrate from one to another.

  • Also, it may involve moving information from one database to another during upgrades. The process involves profiling, discovery tools, quality, archival, ETL and masking. 

  • The commercial data centre markets are growing globally where the enterprise sites are infiltrating the markets, but they lack comprehensive data management.

  • Gartner's report on European markets states that by 2025, 80 per cent of the companies will shut down their on-premise centres and outsource to a third-party provider.

  • Government organisations have been working on G-cloud and migration, where they may execute new applications through outsourced cloud models.

The report states the growth in the use of cloud will increase from 70 to 90 per cent, where the large US providers constitute 47 per cent of the market.   

Data Security And Migration

Digital commerce, the marketing services, the methods, the targets and the way to interact with buyers have changed significantly in the last few years, where sellers want a face-to-face transaction with the buyers to build confidence.

Such trust can be achieved over time, and this kind of trusted online relationship can provide a reliable marketing experience to the customers, where they may find the offers and strategies of the company protected. 

A study by Global Identify and Fraud Report states that 74 per cent of the buyers find security as the most important feature of online trades. 

The next is convenience, where at least 70 per cent are ready to share their personal information with companies more than ever, in the case of offers supported by pertinent security and practicality.  

Some immediate examples show that consumer confidence increased from 43 per cent to 74 per cent when physical biometrics were used as security.  

About 80 per cent of the online investors want the companies to have transparent deals, ultimately increasing their trust. In addition, customers seek transparency in educating customers, informing, communicating and helping the buyer feel in control of their data. 

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